Collect anything and everything with KollectAll!
KollectAll User Screens
On these pages you will find detailed information on what and how to use a KAll screen.
Some are tab driven and other launch automatically in response to a mouse click.

Reports Screen Details
Reports, the program comes with 2 built in reports you can edit, but you can also create custom reports on the fly, based upon what you want to see with the "View all" tab. In the "View All" tab you can use the Select Column option to view only what you want, resize columns and drag and drop columns so that you can see exactly what will print out. If you want really complex reports and graphs, you can export the database to Microsoft Excel and use all the power of Excel to build custom reports and graphs. The basic report included can be printed out and are a great printout to give to your insurance provider to protect your collectibles.

Options under the "File" tool.
  1. New Database
  2. Open Database
  3. Close Database
  4. Save Database as
  5. Address Book
  6. Import Custom Folder/Labels Template
  7. Export Custom Folder/Labels Template
  8. Delete Custom Folder/Labels from the Database
  9. Print Setup
  10. Print
  11. Backup
  12. Restore Backup
  13. Export
  14. Exit
Options under the "Record" tool.
  1. First
  2. Next
  3. Previous
  4. Last
  5. Insert
  6. Add Image
  7. Remove Image
  8. Launch Microsoft Paint
  9. Copy
  10. Paste
Options under the "Database" tool.
  1. Sort Up
  2. Sort Down
  3. Advanced Sort
  4. Filter
  5. Undo Sort
  6. Remove Filter
  7. Find
  8. Setup Columns on View All Page
  9. Reports
  10. Show Database Location and File Name
Options under the Customizer tool.
  1. Change Program Name
  2. Change Program Image
  3. Restore Defaults
  4. Change Labels
  5. Create Custom Labels
Options under the Web tools.
  1. Online Storage
  2. Web Hosting
  3. Website Templates
Options under the "Help" tool.
  1. Table of Contents
  2. Index
  3. Web Help
  4. About

Click here to take a tour of KollectAll

Take a tour

Click below for more details:

Main Splash Screen
Folder Screen
Item Screen
Image Viewer screen
View All screen
Totals screen