KollectAll User Screens
On these pages you will find detailed information on what and how to use a KAll! screen.
Some are tab driven and other launch automatically in response to a mouse click.
Changing the Splash Image and program Name
Want to change the name and picture of the program on the splash screen? Then follow these
easy instructions!
Click on the customizer option at the top of the program. There are 3 options in the drop
down window, "Change Program Name", "Change Program Image" and "Restore Defaults".

Click on the "Change Program Name" option and a pop up window appears with the current name of
the program, the default is "KollectAll"

Highlight the current name, press the delete key or just type your new name over the highlighted
one and click on the "OK" button.

Your new name now appears in the start up splash screen and in the main program splash screen,
personalizing the program for you!

Next you can change the start up and main screen splash screen to customize the software even
more for you! In the customizer option at the top of the program click on the
"Change Program Image" option in the drop down window.

A pop windows open where you can search your computer to find the image you want to change
the start up and main splash screens to.

After you select an image that you want click on the "Open" button and the image will be
attached to the programs start up and main splash screens. Example #1

Example #2

If you want to return to the default name program name and splash screen simply click on
"Restore Defaults" and the original name and image will return.

Remember, it's your program you can attach any image you have on your computer to the start
up and main splash screens to customize the program to reflect your collectible, style or business!
No other collecting program offers you that type of power!
Options under the "File" tool.
- New Database
- Open Database
- Close Database
- Save Database as
- Address Book
- Import Custom Folder/Labels Template
- Export Custom Folder/Labels Template
- Delete Custom Folder/Labels from the Database
- Print Setup
- Print
- Backup
- Restore Backup
- Export
- Exit
Options under the "Record" tool.
- First
- Next
- Previous
- Last
- Insert
- Add Image
- Remove Image
- Launch Microsoft Paint
- Copy
- Paste
Options under the "Database" tool.
- Sort Up
- Sort Down
- Advanced Sort
- Filter
- Undo Sort
- Remove Filter
- Find
- Setup Columns on View All Page
- Reports
- Show Database Location and File Name
Options under the Customizer tool.
- Change Program Name
- Change Program Image
- Restore Defaults
- Change Labels
- Create Custom Labels
Options under the Web tools.
- OnLine Storage
- Web Hosting
- Website Templates
Options under the "Help" tool.
- Table of Contents
- Index
- Web Help
- About