A journey of a 1000 steps.....

It's here, BETA testing is over now on to live phase 1 testing! Click here to get a free copy of GetCollectAll (compliments of Detecting Research) which includes over 40 pre built collecting templates including Water and Land Metal Detecting, Civil War Relic, Bottle, coin and other collecting templates. What's hot in metal detecting?
Drones, drones are hot and will add a new dimension to your detecting. Imagine being able to do a fly over to see what the land looks like or to explore under water before detecting. Finding the foundations of old homes, wrecks, unique land features all are available from 300 feet in the air as well as under water.
Click here for Aerial Drones
Click here for Under Water Drones
All Research Tools
Research and Resource link pages are listed alphabetically, everything from
Aerial resources, Maps, GIS, Sanborn Fire Maps to world related sites and LIDAR tools! If you have a site
or suggestion of a research or resource site that should be listed please send that information
to addme@detectingresearch.com and our webmaster will add it. Happy Hunting!
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Do you own a physical store, or an online store and maintain inventory stock?
Check out what Temu has to offer in the way of metal detecting tools that you can resell. Don't have a store just looking for good deals on backpacks, shovels, pin pointers, drones, and other metal detecting equipment for back up or other? You also can buy directly via Temu from the manufacturers and save big dollars. Temu is not a drop shipper, they offer big discounts for sellers buying in bulk and good deals for individuals. Click here to launch Temu and search for what you need using key words like: Metal Detectors, pin pointers, back packs, tactical belts, drones, etc..
The Federation of Metal Detector & Archeological Clubs

It's here, BETA testing is over now on to live phase 1 testing! Click here to get a free copy of GetCollectAll (compliments of Detecting Research) which includes over 40 pre built collecting templates including Water and Land Metal Detecting, Civil War Relic, Bottle, coin and other collecting templates. What's hot in metal detecting?
Drones, drones are hot and will add a new dimension to your detecting. Imagine being able to do a fly over to see what the land looks like or to explore under water before detecting. Finding the foundations of old homes, wrecks, unique land features all are available from 300 feet in the air as well as under water.
Click here for Aerial Drones
Click here for Under Water Drones
All Research Tools

Do you own a physical store, or an online store and maintain inventory stock?
Check out what Temu has to offer in the way of metal detecting tools that you can resell. Don't have a store just looking for good deals on backpacks, shovels, pin pointers, drones, and other metal detecting equipment for back up or other? You also can buy directly via Temu from the manufacturers and save big dollars. Temu is not a drop shipper, they offer big discounts for sellers buying in bulk and good deals for individuals. Click here to launch Temu and search for what you need using key words like: Metal Detectors, pin pointers, back packs, tactical belts, drones, etc..