
Detecting Resources

Land and Owner Research:
image Here are links to Land and Owner research and resource sites by state, that can help you research new detecting sites in your state. If you know of a site that should be listed please send that information to and our webmaster will add it.

Land and Owner Research:
  • onX Hunt
    onX Hunt is basically a tool for hunters to find out who owns an area of land to access hunting privileges. onX Hunt offers several land Layers including, Landowner names and property boundaries, Public land boundaries, hunting units and walk-ins,Nationwide trails, rec sites and historic/current wildfire layers.
    For a detector user, onX Hunt can provide the information you need when researching a ghost town that is in a specific area of land that you need to access. onX Hunt provides you the contact information to try to gain access to that area of land. Click here to launch onX Hunt.

  • Acre Value
    Acre Value is a more of a farming tool that lets you see the value of land in farming areas, it includes modern maps that you can view along with land values and ownership. What makes Acre Value unique is it shown crops that are grown on the farm land which can help you plan to detect once the crop has been harvested. Click here to launch Acre Value.

  • Rayonier Land Resource
    Rayonier is one of the largest lumbering land owners in the world, using this tool you can find out what hunting club owns the lease rights to hunt on a specific plat of land. This give you the ability to contact the hunting club to see if you can gain access to the plat of land for detecting. Additionally it allows you to plan around hunting seasons so that you are not on the land when a hunting season is going on. Click here to launch Rayonier Land Resource.

    Rayonier - Search Available Areas
    This link allows you to go directly to the Rayonier land that is available for licensing is listed geographically by state and county. If your preferred county is not listed, then Rayonier does not currently have any property for hunting available in that county. Click here to launch Rayonier - Search Available Areas.


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